
Cheese & Pear Toasted Bites

"Courage is knowing what not to fear." - Plato

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!

And yes, I know... it's been quite some time since I was last on here.

I decided to take some time off from blogging to heal, or at least start the healing process, and it honestly has helped. Not the not blogging part, but letting time pass and trying to heal. I've been reading a lot, spending time with family, watching TV and movies, doing things that are "me."

Well, as much as possible, since honestly, life isn't normal at the moment with Covid-19 and all. Am I right? Talk about living through a global pandemic?!

It's crazy to think that over the past 4 months every country on the planet has all been affected by this new sickness. It's caused hard times on a global level, but I feel like when looking at the situation glass half full, it has forced many to reevaluate their lives and make change for the better. I, for one, have loved spending more time with my family. I realized that I was too focused on myself for quite some time, which led to me shutting them out to an extent. I was all about my job, and even self-pity, and I shut out so many people and chances that would have led to more positive moments and happiness. But, that's changed. I'm all about trying to make the best of what's been dealt, embracing family time, friends time, and even "me" time with my pets.

Part of "me" time was realizing I have tons of old recipes dating back to 2014 that I never published! The pictures aren't the best, but, why not still publish? I took my time cooking all of them and documenting for a reason. I may be about 6 years too late, but what the hell? Food is food! It's still yummy, and shareable, right? So let's kick things off with this recipe for a quick snack/lunch. It's healthy and very quick to make, which is a good thing, because in this Summer heat, who wants to be spending a long time in the kitchen!

Cheese & Pear Toasted Bites
adapted from: Bocadillos calientes de queso y pera by Kraft

*makes: 4 servings*

"Kids love the sweetness that the pears give this classic cheese sandwich."

4 slices 100% whole wheat whole grain bread
4 slices 2% milk American cheese
1 D'Anjou pear, cored and thinly sliced
2 tbsp real mayonnaise

1) Arrange the cheese and the pear on 2 slices of bread; cover them with the remaining slices of bread.
2) Spread the mayonnaise on the outside of the sandwiches.
3) Cook the sandwiches over medium heat in a skillet for 4 minutes per side or until lightly browned on both sides.